image for Episode 20: Zack Thorne – Respect Through Riffs.

Episode 20: Zack Thorne – Respect Through Riffs.

Episode 20: Zack Thorne – Respect Through Riffs. Few hardcore guitarists have left such an indelible mark on hardcore as our Guest Zack Thorne, yet many may not even know his story. Zack in his teenage years played in Bulldoze, and alongside Mike the Bull, are responsible for what is...

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image for Episode 19 Aram Arslanian… Voice of Change

Episode 19 Aram Arslanian… Voice of Change

Episode 19 Aram Arslanian.. Voice of Change In 2021, we shed the worries of 2020. I couldn’t think of someone whose story was more inspiring than Aram’s. From growing up in punk in Alberta, Canada to coming to the Pacific Northwest and starting Champion, balancing his love of hardcore punk...

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image for Episode 18 Scott Vogel.. Keeping The Faith

Episode 18 Scott Vogel.. Keeping The Faith

Episode 18 Scott Vogel.. Keeping The Faith all pictures by Anne Spina Scott Vogel’s name in hardcore is so well known, that its hard to even consider where to start. Just like our guest on episode 1, I wrote a letter to Scott Vogel in 97 about booking his band...

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image for Episode 17 Juice E Joel Murphy… Welcome To Memphis

Episode 17 Juice E Joel Murphy… Welcome To Memphis

Episode 17 Juice E Joel Murphy… Welcome To Memphis This Is Hardcore Fest would look much different if not for Juice/Joel Murphy and his creative talents. From the first day I met him almost 20 years ago, we became instant best friends and the rest was history. Juicy Joel was...

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image for Episode 16 Rob Sullivan of Ruiner… Getting Wrecked

Episode 16 Rob Sullivan of Ruiner… Getting Wrecked

Episode 16 Rob Sullivan of Ruiner… Getting Wrecked Rob Sullivan is an amazing character from the Baltimore hardcore scene. Whether he was booking Bad Luck 13, or helping out CCAS, he has made an impact locally and was insanely dedicated to preserving the DIY venue and supporting the area’s hardcore...

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